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See all the jobs at Associated Students Inc., CSUF here:
Building Manager
United States
| TSU Operations
| Part-time
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Application Form
Apply with Linkedin
First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone *
Resume *
Are you a CSUF student? (Must be enrolled in classes other than Extended Ed) *
Describe your experience as it pertains to this position. *
How many hours do you want to work weekly? (20 hours max) *
TSU Building Managers are regularly work from 6am-11pm M-F and 11am-9pm on weekends. They also work additional hours to support events and other operational duties. Please list your work availability times for the Spring Semester. *
This position is a year round position. Would you be able to work during the summer and winter break? *
Are you currently CPR/First Aid certified? *
Thanks for your time